Discover our community with free mock exams, lecture notes, summaries, and other study materials for your university courses.
Not enough exams and exercises? Our exam generator creates questions based on your lecture materials and evaluates your answers.
Upload your existing old exams to get detailed solutions and generate new ones that replicate their style, format and difficulty.
Understand relationships between concepts, identify topics to work on and track your progress with our knowledge graphs.
Tired of ChatGPT’s generic answers? Our chatbot analyzes the context of your documents and provides answers with sources.
Create summaries automatically from your lectures. Our AI reviews your documents and generates structured summaries in seconds.
Access hundreds of shared learning materials from the acemate community. Find mock exams, summaries and other content for your university.
The quality of exam questions on your platform is by far the best.
The exam phase is much more relaxed now thanks to your practice exams and chatbot.
Political Science
I didn’t have solutions for my past exams, so I let acemate solve them to learn with it.
Business Administration
The referenced sources in the AI exams are just amazing.
Unlike ChatGPT, your AI Chat remains focussed and directly references my lectures slides.
I uploaded my lectures and instantly had a personal AI tutor.
Mechanical Engineering
I didn’t get any past exams from my professor, so i just generated them with acemate.
Business Analytics
With acemate, it feels like I’m not studying alone anymore.
Computer Science
The mind maps simply help me keep track of everything.
My first exam period without procrastination.
I used to need five different tools for my studies - now I only need acemate.
It’s almost like magic.
Information Systems